Don't Tell Him to Wait for You(For the ladies)

Gone are the days when a man approaches a lady who's newly admitted into the higher institution or she's an undergraduate for marriage! 

The lady not been set or out of ignorance tells the man to wait while she finishes her studies before getting married!
Hey My dear! Isn't that alarming to the ears? Doesn't that inch your ears? How do you tell a man who loves you and have decided to marry you to wait while you round off your studies?
When you know obviously  he may not wait and he's exposed to other ladies who I may say might be way more than you? 
How will you forgive yourself knowing that real and matured men who are willing to take the risk of wedding you are limited in the world today? 
What if he's the only hope of you marrying, and you loose him simply because of your Cambridge studies? 
"My candid Advice"
When such comes to you, and you are very convinced he's the right one for you, don't hesitate to accept the offer first! Engage him into things like, going to see your parent, paying your dairy and organizing TM(Traditional Marriage before the White Wedding) thou it will steal your time of studies, it won't take more than that, than losing your husband outrightly in the name of Wait for me to finish my studies"
It's evident that some men will want to wait depending on the duration of their project(that's what they intend to achieve within a specific time).
Other men, may not have that patience to wait for extra time considering the fact that time isn't on their side! 
Accept him into your life, mary him and continue your Cambridge studies, okay! 
That will be the best option for you than sidelining him! 
I had to bring this here, because of the current situation around my hood! 
They said advice isn't a curse! 
So ladies is high time you got to stop this "Wait for my Syndrome"
Follow Male Nipers, What do you make of this? 
Ladies , What's your reactions to this? 
Let's say it, you might be Salvaging "That Lady Who May be losing her man in the name of "Wait For Me"
And I want to believe you know that Men are not "Some Set of Computer Gadget that you can put on "Waiting Mode"

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