Diary of a Yahoo Boy (Episode 5)

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After my discussion with Bola, I knew for sure I was in a big mess, and needed a solution fast for things not to escalate beyond my control. Now, my brother is mad, my parents are sick, I do not have rest of mind and peace, and my greed has taken a toll on me. My only hope was, to every problem, there is a solution, so I thought. First I tried reaching Bola again to get more insight into what may be happening but all to no avail. I called her line almost 200 times but no one was picking the calls. Later that day, I had to go see her myself, on reaching there, my boss had taken over her home as both of them were in the house together, this made me angry and a fight broke out between my boss and I which left him injured. Seeing him lying almost lifeless, I ran for my dear life, leaving Bola behind.
For fear of what could happen to me, I decided to go stay in an hotel, thinking so much about my life and what could happen to me, while in that state of depression, I received a text me; “You are no longer part of our Big Boy Club, otherwise known as the blood brothers, the same blood that made you after you drank from it, same blood would hunt you”. I read it over and over again trying to make sense of it. Is this a Nollywood movie? I ask myself in regret; are these things really happening or am I just dreaming. I ran out into the street of Ghana close to my hotel shouting Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Help! Help for almost 30minute with those in front of me running for their life perceiving something bad may have happened. After I regain my senses, I discovered I was Unclad, in shock, I hid myself in the bush, but how do I pass the secretary in my Hotel without being seen Unclad and even the shame was too much for me to bear. I had to wait till past twelve that night before I started making it back to the hotel Unclad, along the way, I begged for clothe but no one gave to me until I had to steal from someone whose clothe where hung outside. Reaching the hotel, everyone was looking at me in surprise, and in shame I walked into my room. I tried to offer prayers to God that Night, which I did.
I was forced to finish this story by some people, hope you guys will understand cox diz a Yahoo stuff!! I think you guys will understand!!
thanks... Much love from Sheynex
That night, in a dream I saw masquerade chasing and flogging me with people crying beside me, as I was about to be stabbed, I woke up sweating profusely, what a nightmare indeed, my thought now was to try to get my life to it former state, all the houses, cars never made any meaning to me again. I switched on my phones to see if anyone would call but no one. After a week, I decided to return back to levels (slang for work) since things seem to be calm. Since I could not return to my house, I had to stay in a Hotel until I solve my problems and am able to go back home to my sick parents.
After one month of working, and no pay, things became difficult, I barely had money on me so I had to just move back to my house and make things right. I took the bold move to go stay in my house, on reaching there, I saw something like egg tied with red pieces place in front of my house, seeing that, I could not enter, I called Bola, she informed me that my Boss is still alive and they are planning to kill me, and I must make plans to go back home, either to Lagos or Benin City with my parent. I decided to move back to Lagos that day since I cannot see my Parent.
The next day, I arrived Lagos, two days, later, I receive invitation from EFFCC asking me to come to their office as they have received document indicating I was involved in Fraud, knowing whom I am, I immediately decided to go stay with my friend so they do not come pick me up in my place. A week later, EFCC sealed all my properties in Lagos including my home, and place me on WANTED list. Knowing what could happen if I visit EFCC, I decided to go back to Ghana to prevent being caught.
Weekslater, I arrived Accra, and decided to visit a strong Juju priest that help most of the big Yahoo boys in cleansing, he told me if I was ready for the task, I said yes, anything to make me stay alive I was ready, he told me to bring one Ghana cedi, a shoe and shirt to begin the ritual which I did, after many incantations, he said, I must never get married or give my parent money when they are in need. I must always patronize young ladies giving them money and spending money in occasion and be ready to visit the shrine yearly for cleansing. Since I had no choice, I agreed to the terms, a week later, my parents became well and healthy, my work started paying again. Not too long, my boss called me, he told me I have just stepped into trouble by going to fortify myself and they are coming for me. Weeks later, EFCC called and told me to pay a certain amount to be free, which I did and things became almost normal. Indeed, I have found joy again, my family is well, money is coming, I am also now the boss of myself, and I am more fortified than ever.
Not too long, I discovered my boss had travel to India because of me as Bola explain, that it is either he dies or I die, since I have gone to fortify myself, he has to save his own skin, but brother, when two devils are fighting, nobody wins, that week, a call came that my club in Lagos was shot down indefinitely because someone was killed there, also my house in Lekki, caught fire mysteriously which no one could explain how it happened. Getting to know all this, I knew who was behind all this.
I left early in the morning to go visit the great Juju priest that help me, on arriving, he warned me never to visit his shrine again that my hands is too stained with blood, I should go seek for help elsewhere. So I ran with heaviness of heart to my home in Accra. On Arriving my home in Ghana, I discovered men in black and some in red standing in front of my home whom have already seen me, immediately, they ran after me, I tried all I could to escape but I was later caught. I was shot three times but their bullet could not penetrate, so they took me to a ritual den known as the home of the crocodile for slaughter. Right there in the den, I saw a lot of people putting on white in a queue after the veil were removed from my eyes. I was asked to join the queue which I did. I saw my boss, with Bola Unclad laughing and chanting in a language I did not understand, I notice that those that go out never came back, so fear gripped me, since I was not a Christian, I could not offer any prayers, so I just waited patiently for my turn to face my fate. When it got to my turn, I was taken outside, the spiritualist made some incantations, nothing happened, he made another incantation, and nothing happen. They called my boss outside to bring another person in, they made same incantation and a crocodile came out to devour the person, I was shocked to death as the scene was horrible and nothing to behold, he made another incantation, this time, the crocodile walked close to me, smelled me and went back into the river, the man then order they waste me.
They took me outside to a bush were Bola and my boss watch them use cutlasses to cut my back until I pass out, seeing that I was lifeless, they carried me and dumped me among some smelling corpses, I was still alive unknown to them but the smell from the corpses almost made me to vomit, I pretended until they left. After 10 hours there, Bola came to check on me to remove my body there where she discovered I was still alive, she immediate took me to her home where she tended to my wound and later took me to the hospital, after a month recovery, she paid for my fare back home to Benin City. On arriving Benin, I was almost half dead but happy to be alive today. I would have love to share more on how I was delivered in one of Nigerian biggest church but in all, I gat to give this story a STOP because of a Reason best known to me.
My deliverance took me to selling all my properties and giving it all for charity which took me almost a year to do that. Not all who drive big cars, live in big house, living a wealthy live actually are doing the right thing, some are involve in rituals and cleansing.
The end..
To all Yahoo guys out there, I don't care, it will be better if you can quit and go into the town and struggle to make a living..

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