Diary of a Yahoo Boy (Episode 4)

After a talk with my boss, I felt my spirit left me, frustration set in, depression was much than I could bear, my heart shrink within me and I felt a cold sweat around my neck, the sharp pain in my chest render me uncomfortable, are you okay? He said, yes I am, I replied, and what would the broken pot cost? I asked again? He smiled at me and said he was just kidding and that he only wanted to scare me to see my reaction, what a relief for me, so I would not have to kill any person to make my money, my mood changed and I could smile again, when he saw that, he was happy for me and told me to join his friends over for dinner, I happily joined them, while we were eating, one of them whom seem to know more than them all said; you have eaten from one of us, when the time comes, we would also be happy to eat from you, really, I said no problem, I would be glad to offer you my meal any time any day, and they all laugh out loud. Funny, a JJC I was in the land of vultures.
That night, I slept like a baby and felt good about everything and my source of income, the next day, my boss told me that concerning the dreams I have been having, I need to see the Voodoo Priest to make a charm to remove them and to protect me, I agreed to go with him and on meeting him, he brought out something like a round chewing gum, and told me to put it in my mouth and go outside to call any of my clients and ask them anything I want, if it works, that means the dreams are gone, but if it doesn’t, we need to appease the shrine, I quickly went outside under a tree and made a call to the Indian Client I once had a deal with asking him about his current account balance, he quickly told me he was in a meeting and would call me back, I insisted he has one minute to talk or I forget him, I also called him stupid for giving me that answer, it was like a force I could not control, I felt aggression inside of me, immediate he told me he has just $1000 after he transferred his life savings to me the other time. Hearing that, I knew for once what I have gone into. I am already in the middle of a river with a boat only going one direction, going back is difficult.
After the test run, I ran back to my priest to tell him it worked, he gave me a pat on my back and brought a calabash outside, we would take an oath to seal this deal that you would not do anything to offend the shrine and obey it rules, at this point, with my friend standing by me, I could not offend him so I agreed to the blood oath. This was where my Life took a u-turn.
That night, I decided to pray as usual, after prayers, I went to bed, during the night, I saw masquerade pursuing me, flogging hell out of me, waking up, I saw marks on my body, other nights, same thing after my prayers, the days I do not pray, I slept well, this made me worried and decided to keep it to myself. Do I see a pastor to pray for me? No, I was not ready for all that in Ghana, so I decided not to be praying. I discover, I was not happy around people, most time, I just get moody.
Back to my work again, now with a new slogan, get rich or dye trying, I decided to take things a little higher, I dumped my girlfriend and decided to go after a Nigeria celebrity whom some of you would know, she ports between Lagos, Asaba, and have lots of political friends in Abuja, would really not like to say much about her, we started dating, I bought her an SUV and phone, she was so surprised and fell in love with me due to my fat wallet, I called her almost every day and most times when I see her on TV and my friends are around but Bola decided to stand her ground and chase her out, with the war between both of them, I decided to keep both, after all, I have the money. So, I decided to be see both of them secretly, most time I spent my time with the actress in Abuja or UK whom I help processed her Visa and help with shopping in UK.
My next work was about selling pure gold to an agent in Dubai, I met her on a social network where you find Dubai ladies, we started chatting and she fell in love during the transaction process as I posed as a prince, the deal was worth $10, 000, 000 which would be the biggest ever for me, I purchased a sample gold to send to her worth NGN7, 000, 000 to convinced her, risky you would say, but it is my game now, since we were two, we split the money, when my client saw it, she was so please and told us she would make a four time payment which we refused, due t her stubbornness, we decided to apply more chemistry (slang), with the chemistry involved, she agreed and wire the money to our Nigeria account because of the huge amount of cash, our bank clearing officer along with some EFCC agent were to share over $1, 000, 000 for the deal to go clean without any investigations, within just 6month, I was almost a billionaire, I am now topping my game.
I bought a Range Rover sports for my actress friend and also for Bola to make them happy. I sent some money home to my family and decided to spend the most in Lagos, clubbing, drinking and doing my club business, I later built a Mansion in Lekki, and to tell you, I was leaving my dream. People around me wonder how I got so much money and cars and so many came for help.
It was like money control everything for me; I slept with most of the top bankers and marketer sent by companies for me to do business with them. I was invincible until my boss called me for another brotherhood re-union. I was so happy to meet them again as I am more than rich. Back in Ghana, the strangest thing happen, I dreamt about the goat again, this time, I ran after it, caught it and killed it and called my friends to eat from it and immediately woke with my heart panting far. Next day during the re-union, while we were eating together, they told me, it is my time to pay for the next meal, so I brought out money from my wallet, instead they said it is not all about money, I have to use blood, I asked them I cannot pay anything with blood, they laughed and reminded me about the oath, and my senses came all back to me, what have I done with my hands. I told them I had to go and think about everything and my boss told me I cannot hide or run away, I must fulfill my promise. Hmmm…
On getting home, they called me from home that my mom and dad are sick and they needed money for treatment, hearing that, I was shocked to death, hope this people would not temper with my father and mother, if they do, I would kill them all as I did not bargain for that. I only told them I needed money not to kill persons I loved. What a tragedy indeed. I kept on sending money for months but they were not responding to treatment up to the extent I had to sell one of my house and still same old story, what do I do, then I received a call from my Boss, whom have been quiet about the issue all this time to go home and see my family, I felt it was a good advice but fortunately, Bola was in the meeting they had while she was serving them drinks and entertaining them, she told their plot and why they have done it that way, if I travel to see them, if my mother and dad see me, they are gone forever, he told me I must not travel home that the only way was to break the deals and connection with them and go home, how is that possible? I asked her, before I could get an answered, the phone cut. How do I save my mum and dad? How do I set myself free from all this?
To be continued..

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